Friday 23 May 2014

Book revising

This is the first time, I have ever revised my own work. I think it is, because I'm taking it kind of seriously. I've always loved writing, especially stories. Fantasy ones, where anything can happen and you can take your readers on a real adventure. 

Revising your work is hard. You have to be your own critique and editor. Making hard decsions about your book, whether to remove a pointless character, snip a large chunk out, or add a huge part into it. 
It's difficult, well, nobody said it was easy.
I'm kind of lucky here, as I posted my book onto Wattpad and my readers have become my editor and critque, all rolled into one. And they have been extremely helpfull in pointing out errors (embarrassing ones too). I would suggest to young, new writers to use Wattpad, not only for the likes and reads. But to get use to people critiquing your work, good as well as bad. And it helps, a lot. 

It has been a year since my book, 'Faerie' was created. From one idea, to brancing out into a full blown story. A whole year has passed since I started planning 'Faerie', it took me three months to gather my ideas, create character profiles, research topics, and to write the first sentence. 

It wasn't until August 2013, that I sat down and began my first draft, and it wasn't until the September that I thought about posting the first five chapters onto Wattpad. I wanted to see if people liked it, I wanted feedback and people to take judgment on to it. 

With a first draft, you have to be reckless. Don't look back at your work (Or you'll be forever changing things and will never finish it). This is exactly what I did. It was hard not to look back as my readers began to comment, pointing out spelling and grammer mistakes. I took that one boared and jotted it down for later. 

I wrote the final chapter of the story on, April 2014. It took me nine months, to push this book out (yes, I see this as my baby). I'm pleased it took me that long, it meant I didn't rush to the finish line (I also have a full time job). However, if I was doing this proffessionally than I would need to do my first draft a lot quicker, but alas, I got there in the end. 

Now, I have to start back at the beginning, pull all of my idea books for 'Faerie.' and read my book, Something I haven't done. This is where you'll look at your origional ideas for the plot, characters and progession of your story and see if it has gone in the correct direction. Has your characters changed? Has the plot? Also, look out for spelling and grammer mistakes and any waffle you have accentidently put in.

Well, I betterget back to revising and making my first draft stronger than before.

If you are interested in reading my first draft you can here -

My book blurb:

Once Upon a Time the Beryl crystal maintained equilibrium in the mythical kingdom of Faerie, which resides alongside our own mortal world. When the crystal is stolen, the land of Faerie began to slowly perish.

When researcher Sophia Rose comes across an ancient crystal in Cambridge's Fitzwilliam Museum it represents an unwelcome intrusion of myth and magic into her carefully ordinary life. Though descended from the magical and mythical Fair Folk, she is determined to remain untouched by her family's legacy. She hides the crystal, but Sophia finds it impossible to hold the world of Faerie at bay any longer. 

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